How to Join

Key reasons to join the consortium
Get access to the Benchmarking Framework

The benchmarking framework is a comprehensive tool that will help you evaluate your educational institution and compare it with other online and open universities all over the world for continuous improvement and innovations.

Increase the international visibility of your institution

By being part of the international consortium of leading online and open universities, you get access to unique networking opportunities. The consortium unites world-class higher education institutions, accreditation agencies, and associations and is proud to have the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) as its official partner.

Join the global dialogue on quality assurance in online higher education

The consortium holds expert meetings, panel discussions, roundtables, and many other events for its members. By joining our community, you will take advantage of many opportunities to access major events, knowledge resources, and contribute to your institutional empowerment. Connect with a community of international experts and exchange best practices with peers.

Contribute to achieving SDG 4

The consortium aspires to strengthen existing quality assurance systems in online education and facilitates achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Quality Education. Become part of the change.

Who can join?

The consortium is open for institution and individual members from all regions of the world:

  • higher education institutions;
  • accreditation agencies;
  • national, regional, and international education associations and organizations.

There is no membership fee or any other financial commitments; the consortium unites members on a voluntary basis with the goals of quality assurance and benchmarking in online higher education.

Ready to join?

Please fill in the application form and send it back to [email protected]

Got any questions?

Please contact us using the feedback form